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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Story of Carlo the Mouse Never Ends

The Story of Carlo The Mouse Never Ends

On my journey as a children's book writer, I have met many wonderful people. A few months ago I was lucky to meet an amazing mother of two boys who live in Moscow, Russia. Olga Guseva purchased all my published books, including my first book,  Carlo The Mouse on Vacation. Since then, she and her boys, Vladimir and Serogza, have become my fans. Vladimir and Serogza are studying English in one of Moscow's schools. To my huge surprise, one day their wonderful mother purchased  Carlo The Mouse on Vacation  for Serogza's entire class. There is no better award in the world for any author than seeing children reading books.

I am very happy for Carlo The Mouse, who has found a home in one of Moscow's schools and made ​​friends with second-graders. A million hugs to my little friends from Moscow for taking good care of Carlo. My deep gratitude to a wonderful mom, Olga Guseva, who made ​​it happen. I could not be happier or more thankful for her sweet pictures and for making my life brighter. In addition, Serogza  wrote a little story about Carlo's adventures in Moscow after he read  Carlo The Mouse on Vacation.  It was my pleasure to shape, develop and translate his cute story into English.

I am happy to present a new rising star, Sergei Gusev!

The Story of Carlo The Mouse Never Ends

By Sergei Gusev

          I will leave it to Mrs. D. to tell you how Carlo The Mouse landed in Russia.

          Carlo The Mouse had always dreamed of seeing Moscow. Being so tiny, he crept onto a train and hid in a dark corner. When the train arrived in Moscow, Carlo felt so happy. He had many friends he wanted to see, but before he met them, he decided to visit Red Square. He ran to the subway and took a train.
"What a beautiful place!" Carlo thought as he looked around Red Square. Suddenly, he saw many black cars pulling up to the gate of the Kremlin.
"The Russian president!" Carlo ran after the black Mercedes-Benz, but the gate slammed in front of the curious mouse. Suddenly, someone stepped on his tiny tail.
"Ouch!" Carlo screamed, and turned around. To his surprise, he saw a huge dog. Frightened of being eaten by the scary dog, Carlo tried to run away, but the dog held his tail firmly to the ground. Being a smart mouse, Carlo decided to make friends with the unfriendly dog.
"Hello, Gospodin Hunter," Carlo said cheerfully. "My name is Carlo and I came from Florida." He flashed a huge smile.
Stunned, the dog looked at Carlo with surprise.
"Hello, Carlo!" he barked. "My name is King!" King released Carlo's tail. He liked this polite and very brave mouse. "Why did you run after the black car?" King asked Carlo.
"I would like to meet the president," Carlo said sheepishly.
"I understand!" King wiggled his tail happily.
"Where are the best restaurants in Moscow?" asked Carlo.
"You are my friend now, and I am taking you to McDonald's," the dog grinned.
"I am so hungry! Thank you, my friend!" King and Carlo hugged. In McDonald's, Carlo ordered a double cheeseburger, chicken nuggets, and a huge bowl of cheese dip. Their tails wiggling happily, the two friends ate and talked until midnight.
To be continued ...

        Serogza gives us a sneak peek inside his second story: King helps Carlo to meet the Russian president. In his third story: King invites Carlo to his home to meet his family, but not everyone is happy about the mouse living in the apartment. To find out what happens next to the new friends, you must follow the story of Carlo The Mouse ...

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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Books That Teach Children American History

Image of Barbara Ann Mojica


Barbara Ann Mojica is a historian and retired educator. She writes historical articles for the Columbia Insider under the banner "Passages." Using the whimsical character Little Miss History, Barbara hopes to inspire children to learn about historical people and places. Little Miss History's antics make reading nonfiction and fun-filled adventure. "Little Miss History Travels to MOUNT RUSHMORE is her first stop. Our next journey to The Statue of Liberty is NOW AVAILABLE!

What a wonderful reading experience:  Little Miss History Travels to MOUNT RUSHMORE . A fun children's book, which educates children about American history.

by  Mrs. Barbara Ann Mojica  (Author) ,  Mr. Victor Ramon Mojica  (Illustrator)

was always fascinated by children's books that help children to develop a knowledge of American history. Little Miss History Travels to MOUNT RUSHMORE is written in a very creative way by historian Barbara A. Mojica. The author wisely introduces children to the historical facts, value, and the meaning of American historical landmarks. Easy to follow, this delightful children's book captured my attention from the first page. Informative, uplifting, and amusing, Little Miss History took me for a wonderful trip to Mount Rushmore, where she introduced me to a piece of American history.

Reading this book, I felt as if I were on top of Mount Rushmore observing the history unfolding in front of my eyes. I learned about two of the greatest landmarks, Six Grandfathers and Chief Crazy Horse Memorial. The story itself is exciting, engaging, and very educational. It will absorb children with many historical facts about the Mount Rushmore National Memorial and what this monument means for Americans. The illustrations in this book are charming and entertaining. They perfectly reflect each episode and fact.

While reading this book, children will have fun traveling with Little Miss History to the Black Hills of South Dakota.They will also have a wonderful learning experience. When I turned the last page of this fun children's book, I felt as if Little Miss History had become my friend. Entertaining, exciting, and very outgoing, she teaches children about the history of our nation.

I would highly recommend this book for teachers and parents who would like to learn history with their children while having fun. Great children's book for any age! I can hardly wait for the next book, The Statue of Liberty.

Little Miss HISTORY Travels to The Statue of Liberty (Volume 2)

Once again, Little Miss History takes readers on an exciting voyage through time! On this informative trip, readers will learn about the Statue of Liberty, one of the most famous landmarks in the world. Little Miss History Travels to the Statue of Liberty is the second children's book in the series of Little Miss History by Barbara Ann Mojica. What a wonderful book for children, parents, and teachers, and a pleasure to read!

Filled with excitement and valuable facts about the Statue of Liberty, the book takes readers to the 18th century. As they travel to New York, children will discover the meaning and importance of this monument. The facts are fascinating and very informative.

Throughout the story, the author wisely engages readers in the history of the Statue of Liberty. Mrs. Mojica includes enthralling information about the purpose, meaning, and significance of this fascinating landmark.

Traveling with Little Miss History through the centuries, readers witness American history. They learn about architects and designers, physical labor, and the financial efforts of the many people who took pride in building this famous landmark.

Little Miss History Travels to the Statue of Liberty is written in very engaging language, easy to read, understand, and remember. Delicate illustrations by Victor Ramon Mojica portray a different dimension of this thrilling story. A beautiful background of the historical figures gives readers a taste of the time when this landmark was built.

As a history lover, I am delighted that history books like Little Miss History Travels to Mount Rushmore and Little Miss History Travels to the Statue of Liberty are written and published. They will help parents and teachers introduce our children's history in a more exciting manner. Another enlightening book for children of any age! The author makes it easy to learn about any historical landmark.

Little Miss HISTORY Travel to SEQUOIA National Park (Volume 3)

Another delightful read from Barbara Ann and Victor Ramon Mojica! Little Miss History Travels to Sequoia National Park is the third children’s book in the “Little Miss History” series. I must admit I am hooked on “Little Miss History” stories. Don’t even start me on the amazing artwork that charms readers from the first page. I’ve read the two first books (Little Miss History Travels to Mount Rushmore and Little Miss History Travels to the Statue of Liberty), and they are fantastic!

These books are fun to read, very educational, and full of useful information for any age. In addition, they are beautifully illustrated. While traveling with upbeat Little Miss History, young readers will learn about the history of American landmarks in a very creative manner. I promise you, your children will fly through these wonderful stories! These three books provide a great deal of knowledge and information on history while capturing young minds and imaginations.

Little Miss History Travels to Sequoia National Park is filled with facts about the history of Sequoia National Park, specifics about the people who contribute and help preserve this beautiful piece of land, and the sad reality about the current condition of this captivating landmark. The story reads smoothly and easily. It feels as if you are gliding through a thousand years of history. It also provides details about the sequoia and redwood trees, and teaches children to respect and preserve these majestic living beings.

There is no one who won’t be amazed by the beautiful artwork, created by Mr. Mojica. The illustrations are sweet, charming, and very believable. Reading this book, I felt as if I was flying in the sky, riding on a horse, and walking under the thousand-year-old trees, while observing the history of the Sequoia National Park.

A charismatic and very captivating children's book! It not only provides a history lesson in a very modern way, but it also teaches care of nature. I absolutely adore Little Miss History, with whom I’ve already developed a special bond. I cannot wait to see where she will take me next. The “Little Miss History” series is number 1 on my list when my grandsons will be old enough to read these books.

My recommendation to parents, grandparents, teachers, and librarians: chose these books! You have nothing to lose and so much to gain. They are fun to read, great for children, and full of historical facts and educational lessons. I read them just for extra knowledge! It is never too late to learn! Crafted by a very talented team, Mr. and Mrs. Mojica, these books have so much to offer. Give your child a gift—knowledge.