A funny story, full of the adventures and troubles of Carlo the mouse, who lives a simple life in a Florida hospital but always dreams of greater things.
In this vibrant picture book, a daring mouse takes center stage in an adventure even bigger than his appetite. Carlo has never been outside the four walls of his home and he has one unfulfilled wish—a vacation.
In a twist of fate, he unexpectedly finds himself embarking on his adventures and misadventures by accidentally landing inside an open car trunk, catching the wrong bus, and boarding an airplane that takes him halfway around the world to Paris.
The shrewd Carlo finds a way to survive the most unusual situations while dodging—or causing—mayhem along the way, touching readers’ hearts and making them laugh.
Each new adventure teaches Carlo something about the world and himself. The book is written in a humorous style and is easy to read.
With funny characters and illustrations bursting with life and fun, “Carlo the Mouse on Vacation” gives parents, grandparents, babysitters, and children an interesting way to spend time together.
The story allows young readers to discover themselves, and teaches children not to lose themselves in today’s hectic world.
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This review is from: Carlo The Mouse on Vacation (Paperback)
"A delightful bit of whimsy, written with humor, innocence, and a lively sense of the fun of adventure. The grandchildren loved it!"
Joseph T. Wilkins, author
It passed my expectations! Very entertaining!
Amazon Verified Purchase
This review is from: Carlo The Mouse on Vacation (Paperback)
I bought this book for my nieces and nephews. While reading this book together we had fun and the most quality time we have had in a while. The book was very funny, entertaining and engaging, as well as easy to read. The children easily relate to the main character CARLO, who grabbed their attention from the beginning and held it to the end of the book and had great illustrations bursting with color. As an adult I had as much fun as the children had. The book was also educational teaching children of self acceptance I would recommend this book for children as well as adults to read to their kids. I can't wait until the next book comes out.
Format: Paperback
The adorable mouse, laughing from the front page of a brightly illustrated children's book,
caught my attention as soon as I spotted it on a shelf in one of the old bookstores located in
Smithville Village. Briefly looking through the book, the amusing illustrations surprised me with
cute characters and vivid colors, bursting from every page. I must admit that I am not a kid, but I
still love children's books and if I have an opportunity to find a new children's book, I will read it
immediately. Curious, I hid in the corner and started reading the first chapter. At first, the story
took me by surprise. Written in a comic style, the curious mouse took me on an unexpected
journey from New Jersey to Paris. This book was more than a story about food-loving mouse
and an unexpected vacation. I quickly realized that on the journey of Florida mouse, a friendly,
peaceful and carefree character Mrs. D. created, she wanted to show children that life is not
always glorious. In reality, we all have responsibilities and have to work hard. The book is full
of whimsical characters and the adventures of the inquisitive mouse made me laugh to the last
page. This book allows children to travel in their imaginations and builds eagerness to see new
things. It reminds them that there is a huge world waiting to surprise them with new discoveries
and adventures. The book promotes individuality and although it is sometimes hard to be
yourself, it is always the best policy. The story has some tricky twists and unusual scenes,
but overall it is a great read for all ages. I can proudly say Carlo the Mouse on Vacation joined
my bookshelf and looking at the happy Carlo, I am reminded that I am perfectly happy with who
I am. Travel with Carlo the mouse and discover your journey!
Carlo the Mouse: Grab your boots and hold on to your hat, because you're in for an exciting
trip! Let your imagination soar in this new full version of Carlo's adventures.
This series of 10 books is an entertaining look into the life of this little
mouse, who was born inside a hospital's walls. His parents taught him how to survive
on his own, but Carlo broke all their rules in exploring the hospital.
Clever, curious, and very
impatient, Carlo constantly gets in trouble with the hospital staff, causing
chaos in the hospital. Somehow, he manages to survive the exterminator, the
head cook, Fidel the cat, and the hospital manager, who becomes his worst
As he learns about famous
cooks from watching cooking shows on TV, Carlo dreams about the world outside
the hospital. But as he takes an unexpected vacation far away from home, he
finds out that the world outside the hospital is not what he expected. His
insatiable desire for adventure gets him in constant trouble.
ISBN 13 (SOFT): 978-1-4628-4449-4
ISBN 13 (HARD): 978-1-4628-2993-4
Carlo the Mouse on Vacation had been published and is available as ebook on e-devices. To download e-book please go to: CARLO THE MOUSE ON VACATION
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