The City Kittens and The Old House Cat
This story revolves around Christmastime and a family who once adopted a lost kitten, naming it Nyda. Nyda has now grown old and has settled into a calm, uneventful life with her new family—until the day before Christmas, when the family’s older daughter brings two playful kittens, Mickey and Jack, home for the holidays. The two kittens from the big city are a change for the family, and for Nyda. The old cat likes her settled life and is not happy about the new arrivals. She’s also very protective of her belongings. The city kittens annoy her, and the old cat grumbles about the new additions to the family—until she hears a story one night that makes her feel bad. The kittens aren’t the soft or spoiled brats she had thought they were …
The cold winter paralyzed life in Mrs. D.’s garden. The heavy snow sealed the ground with a crystal wrap as if it were ready to stay in the frozen garden for a hundred years.
The short winter days flew by, rushing faster and faster, and soon brought another Christmas holiday to Mrs. D.’s home. Covered in the sparkling snow, the sleepy house was getting ready for a big celebration.
Most times, the old cat slept on the soft couch, looking at the white garden through the wide window. It was different watching the bitter winter from a warm home. Life in the garden was harsh, and the old cat Nyda was worried about her friends outside.
Throughout the winter holidays, Nyda loved to stay inside her warm home. Often hanging out with Mrs. D. in the kitchen, she enjoyed watching the busy holiday preparations. The delicious smells of food cooking made her hungry, and she begged for food from anyone who passed by.
On Sunday, Mrs. D.’s parents arrived for dinner, bringing with them many pots and boxes full of yummy food. The old folks argued loudly, never agreeing with each other, and the old cat liked to watch them fussing about little things.
It gave Nyda time to check what was for dinner inside their pots, but as soon as they spotted her on the table, their disagreements stopped and both of them chased her away from the bags and boxes full of goodies.
Nyda was a smart cat and moved to the corner. She would sit there, begging for food with her large pitiful eyes. Grandma always gave in first. She was the softest one.
“Did anyone feed the cat?” Grandma asked, looking at the poor cat, sitting alone in the corner.
The sneaky cat knew there would be no answer. During the holidays, nobody paid any attention to Nyda, and she had to look after herself. Learning from the oldest cat that had once lived with her in the same house, Nyda cried and complained as if she had never eaten before, making Grandma feel bad.
The tricky cat played her game well and convinced Grandma to reach inside her box, treating her with a good snack. The cat liked all holiday food, especially fluffy whipped cream.
During the holidays, Nyda was not as particular as usual, and loved all Mrs. D’s aunts and uncles, cousins and friends, and even their noisy little kids.
She hid under the stairs in her hiding spot, which she had found when she was a little kitten. The children followed her everywhere, squeezing her and pulling her tail, as if she were one of their toys. They would not leave her alone.
On days like that, Nyda missed the girls, who had grown up and moved to the big city. They visited Mrs. D. on holidays, and Nyda was happy watching them cook and bake together. They talked about many things that the old cat did not care about, but they made Mrs. D. laugh.
This Christmas reminded her of the cat they had lost, and Nyda’s first Christmas holiday in Mrs. D.’s kitchen. Nyda looked upward, remembering her old friend Nicky. Nicky had lived in cat heaven for some time now.
The day before Christmas, the older daughter brought home new additions to the family: two little kittens, Mickey and Jack. The little kittens lived in the big city with the older daughter in her apartment.
Unlike Nyda, when she was a kitten, they arrived in Mrs. D.’s home in a big fancy bag specially made for cats. Their Christmas bells, tied to pretty collars, made noises everywhere they went. Annoyed, the old cat ignored them all day.
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